Wednesday, March 03, 2010


What am I going to do for the rest of my life? I have no idea! There are sooo many options and I am kinda freaking out right now with all of life's decisions. I am going to Alaska this summer and I already have a job. I cannot wait! But I do not know what to do after that. Should I go on a mission? should I buy a car and find a full time job to pay it off? If i buy a car what kind should I get? A nice one that will last me a long while or a cheap one that I can pay for easily? There are so many choices and I am so unsure about everything thing right now. GAH!
So I am dancing at the Renaissance Festival every weekend and while I love doing it, it takes up so much time and I am at a loss for time. My fish died this last weekend when I was gone and thank goodness my roommate was there to dispose of Disco Pete. I miss having animals around me. I miss Missy, the cat that lives at my parents house. I want a female weimaraner dog and name her daisy. I have recently decided that sunflowers are my favorite flowers right now.

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