Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Where has all of my time gone?! I feel like time has passed way too fast and yet it is not moving by quickly enough. I moved from Skagway to Utah. I never imagined me living in Utah in a million years but sometimes God has different plans than I do. It is cold here and it snows a lot which can be annoying to drive in. I miss my warm familiar Arizona. It will be a long time until (if ever) I move back there. That makes me sad. It was my home and now I am thrown into the unfamiliar and practically friendless SLC. I recently got a job which makes things look up a little bit. Hopefully I will be able to make more friends when I start going to a student ward. I just get so bored at home all the time. I miss living in Thatcher where I could easily hangout with friends that all lived right there. Not that I dont love my family but it is hard not having friends to see every day. I did not realize how much of a social person I was until now. I always used to think I was rather unsocial and to an extent I kind of am but not to the degree I am forced to live with right now. I just want to plan my life out which can be difficult when I cannot foresee what my future holds for me. I need something to do to distract me all of my downtime otherwise I think too much or sit there and do nothing.